We don't need Scientist Anymore!

Understanding the Impact of AI on Automated Scientific Processes and Innovation

Fellow Healthcare Champions,

Are you overwhelmed by all the fluff and hype around AI and not sure how to identify meaningful information? We get it. As busy clinicians ourselves, our newsletter, "AI Grand Rounds," is here to provide clinically relevant AI information.

No matter who you are—a healthcare provider, inventor, investor, or curious reader—we PROMISE one thing: you will always find information that is relevant, meaningful, and balanced.

Let’s join our journey to share clinically meaningful and relevant knowledge on healthcare AI.


Your fellow physicians!

Table of Contents

🚨 Pulse of Innovation 🚨

Breaking news in the healthcare AI

Sakana AI: Transformational or Scary?

Sakana AI, a Tokyo-based startup, has introduced "The AI Scientist," an AI system that can autonomously conduct scientific research. This is the first comprehensive system for fully automatic scientific discovery, enabling Foundation Models such as Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform research independently.

Sakana AI team proposes below in their report

  • The proposal involves creating a fully AI-driven system for automated scientific discovery in machine learning research.

  • The AI Scientist will handle the entire research process from generating ideas to presenting findings.

  • An automated peer review process will evaluate generated papers with near-human accuracy.

  • The system aims to replicate the iterative nature of human scientific communities and contribute to the knowledge archive.

  • In this first demonstration, The AI Scientist researches diverse subfields within machine learning research, discovering novel contributions in popular areas, such as diffusion models, transformers, and grokking.

Each idea is implemented and developed into a full paper at a cost of approximately $15 per paper.

The AI Scientist currently has limitations and challenges that include:

  1. Lack of vision capabilities, resulting in unreadable plots and suboptimal page layout.

  2. Potential for incorrect implementation of ideas and unfair comparisons, leading to misleading results.

  3. Occasional critical errors in writing and evaluating results, such as struggles to compare the magnitude of numbers.

The AI Scientist unequivocally raises ethical concerns and the potential for misuse. It is imperative to mandate the clear labeling of AI-generated papers and reviews for transparency.

🧑🏼‍🔬 Bench to Bedside👨🏽‍🔬

Developments in healthcare AI research and innovations

Digital Twin in Managing Hypertension Among People With Type 2 Diabetes


• To explore the potential of digital twin technology in managing hypertension among patients with Type 2 diabetes. Focus on creating personalized treatment plans through the use of digital twins to improve patient outcomes.


• The study involves developing a digital twin (DT) model that simulates the physiological state of patients with Type 2 diabetes and hypertension. The model integrates patient data, including clinical, lifestyle, and genetic information, to predict disease progression and treatment responses. The digital twin is updated in real-time with new data from the patient, allowing for continuous monitoring and adjustment of treatment strategies.


1. Blood Pressure Reduction: The DT group showed a more significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (SBP) by 7.6 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) by 4.3 mm Hg compared to the SC group, which had a reduction of 3.2 mm Hg in SBP and 2.2 mm Hg in DBP.

2. Hypertension Remission: In the DT group, 50% of participants with hypertension achieved remission after one year, while none of the participants in the SC group achieved remission.

3. Microalbuminuria: Microalbuminuria, a marker for kidney damage, was reduced more significantly in the DT group.

The Digital Twin promises to be an effective for Hypertension management in Type 2 DM patients however more real world data could be beneficial.

🧑🏽‍⚕️ AI in Clinic 🏥

Developments in healthcare AI research and innovations

Revolutionizing Health with Twin Health: The Future of Personalized Wellness

Imagine having a digital twin—an exact replica of your body that monitors your health, predicts issues before they arise, and guides you toward optimal well-being. This isn’t science fiction; it’s the groundbreaking innovation brought to life by Twin Health..

The Promise of a Whole Body Digital Twin™

At the core of Twin Health’s vision is the Whole Body Digital Twin™. This isn’t just another health app; it’s a sophisticated AI-driven platform that creates a digital model of your body by analyzing your metabolic health. This digital twin learns from your body’s unique data and provides personalized recommendations for everything from diet and exercise to sleep and stress management.

Why is this revolutionary? Because it shifts healthcare from a reactive to a proactive approach. Instead of waiting for illness to strike, Twin Health empowers you to take control of your health journey, potentially reversing chronic conditions like diabetes and keeping your body in balance.

The Benefits: Personalized, Precise, and Proactive

1. Personalized Care: No more one-size-fits-all solutions. Your digital twin offers health advice tailored specifically to your body’s needs.

2. Predictive Insights: With constant monitoring, the digital twin can identify potential health issues before they become serious, allowing you to take preventive action.

3. Empowerment: Twin Health gives you the tools and insights to make informed decisions about your health, putting you in the driver’s seat of your wellness journey.


“In total, nearly 84% of the group who followed their digital twin’s guidance for six months were determined to be in remission by the end of that period, per the ADA’s standards—meaning they maintained normal blood glucose levels for at least three months without taking diabetes medication."

Limitations to Consider

• Accessibility: As of now, such advanced personalized healthcare might be more accessible to those who can afford it, potentially widening the gap in health equity.

• Data Privacy: With so much personal health data being collected, privacy and security are paramount. .

• Technology Dependency: The effectiveness of the digital twin depends heavily on the accuracy of the data input. Inaccurate or incomplete data could lead to less reliable recommendations.

🤖 Patient First, AI Second🤖

Ethical and Regulatory Landscape of Healthcare AI

AI Detector - A Tool that analyzes text to detect use of AI in its generation. Could be very valuable for academics

  • Use of generative AI with use of LLMs has many been increasingly used at different levels including writing manuscript and related content. It may not be easy to distinguish the Generative AI content and Native Intelligence content however Grammarly has come with a text AI detector tool that could be very useful.

  • Grammarly's AI Detector is a tool designed to assess the likelihood that a given text was generated by AI. It utilizes a machine-learning model trained on vast datasets of both human and AI-produced content. The detector breaks down text into smaller sections, analyzes each for patterns commonly found in AI-generated text, and provides a percentage score indicating the likelihood of AI involvement.

  • This tool will detect AI-generated content from Grammarly and other tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Claude in seconds. It provides percentage of your text that appears AI-generated so you can adjust it to sound more natural. Properly cite your AI usage with Grammarly, so you can submit knowing you’ve triple-checked your work.

  • See below screenshot where the AIGR team asked Google Gemini to summarize Grammarly’s AI Detector and we then used the Gemini’s AI generated text in the AI Detector and it showed 60% of content as AI generated. So it provides great indication however it not perfect but promising.

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